I'm a young fool and I make games via RM. I enjoy game mechanics and theories, especially new graphical experiments. I'm a master chip splicer and I draw my own resources as well. Teaching myself how to digitally paint via PS, after pixeling for several years.
Monstrous Wars
3 Gods created the World. Now their souls are destroying it!



The Screenshot Topic Returns

That is probably the best use of the VX rtp that I've seen. Instead of trying to make it seem not squarey and overly complicated, it embraces it's sqaureness and doesn't try to hide it. It's hard to pull off, successful examples include the latest generation of pokemon games.

Static Events [2K3]

I think I follow, it basically does an invisible move, scans for other events, and then moves back before it makes the real move. Where would I add this scan in? My thinking would be page 3, the reset location tab.

I don't get the idea of checking for event IDs at 0,0 because nothing would be there.

EDIT: I designed around this so there are no instances in which the big objects can collide.

+++ DynRPG - The RM2k3 Plugin SDK +++

Dude yeah this is insane. We can finally trick out RM way more than any previous iteration/patch. Godsend!

Static Events [2K3]

That theory makes sense, but in order for it to work correctly, wouldn't I have to add 1 to the temp coords around the borders of the object so it doesn't check the ID of itself?

Static Events [2K3]

I got this working perfectly man thanks for the help.

Hypothetically how complicated would it be to prevent 2 big objects from colliding with each other? (out of the 6 big objects, there is only one instance of overlap, so I might just design around it, especially since each big object is designated to move only within its terrain type.)It would be easy if 2nd layer/events could have terrains set to them. Prevent event overlap makes the objects unmovable.

Also, Cherry, lemme know when the big chara patch for 2k3 comes out, it will be useful for the future.

Static Events [2K3]

Oh ok, yeah the problem was incorrect variable functions because sometimes the text looks the same in the editor even though it is a separate function. Like value/reference show as value in the actual script.

Anyways it works now. However, there is one minor thing, the lowest row of objects is set to below hero because it doesn't take up the entire tile. When the big object hits the collision switch and you try to move it again, the hero gets stuck on that row and can't move.

This doesn't happen when the bottom row is set to same layer as hero. Any idea why this happens?

Static Events [2K3]

Hmm that is interesting. My problem is the Object coords aren't getting recorded so when the pointer references them, it reads the value as 0. I'm trying to figure out why this is, since I've checked the code over and it seems to match completely.

Here is another question though, could I simply make a branch on the move event page (p.4) to check if the obstacle switch is off before moving, and then only record the coords at teleports?

Static Events [2K3]

Alright I tried to implement the demo method. After copying the code and reading over the explanations I get the concept now, and understand why it works. I do have one question though:

In the 'Move Big Objects' event, you set the X pointer to 21 and Y pointer to 41. Where do these values come from?

Basically what's happening is the multi event big object is 'disappearing' after the terrain check turns on the obstacle switch.

(Oh, I see, they point to the value of that var. But those vars weren't set/used before, right?)

Static Events [2K3]

Hmm, well Kazesui's method seems to work, which is a genius setup btw. I've never used the old big chara patch, so I don't know the restrictions or where the 'real' event is.

I'll try implementing this demo method, and if it doesn't work out the big chara patch would probably be ready by then and I can use as backup. Depending on the passability options, (top row above, bottom row below, middle rows same level) there wouldn't be a need to map events following the big char event I don't think. Or maybe it would be necessary to use a combo of both methods.

Btw I'm using Aten's David patch, which just replaces the rpg_rt, assuming this new big chara patch does the same thing, it would override those modifications.

Static Events [2K3]

Hmm, this is very interesting. The project def helps me visualize the idea. So basically, when teleporting out of the map and then back on to it, you would have to move event location to the x and y pointer vars, while constantly changing them to the previously recorded coord vars? The reset on teleport part confuses me. (resetting to the location that the hero designated, not where the objects were originally placed.)

Also the trigger would be just arrow keys instead of action key but that's just setting the top page to touched by hero.